Every Moment is a Choice

Sent by Lauren Jane Heller    |    June 16, 2022

Today, life feels amazing.

Why? For starters, it’s incredible what facing mortality and coming out on the other side can do 😆 (…and thank you to everyone who reached out with love and good vibes for Josh and my kitty after my last email.)

But ultimately, it’s because I feel clear. I feel grateful. I am bubbling over with the feeling of not only am I enough, but holy smokes, do I ever have enough too.

This having enough piece is key because while I have big goals and want to learn and adventure and support other humans and ultimately change the world — and I know I can — I also recognize that when I get too caught up in the goals of doing more and being more and having more, I miss out on what’s here right now.

I miss out on the beautiful moments.

I miss out on learning from what’s happening right in front of me.

I miss out on celebrating each small victory, each flower unfurling, each ray of sunshine in my life if I’m too focused on what I want to have accomplished in six months or six years.

I told Josh yesterday that as weird as it sounds, I’m grateful for these recent crises. I’m not glad he’s still sick, mind you, but I am thankful for how much clearer we feel, as a family, about what is most important.

I was reminded of how tenuous life can be. We don’t know how much time we have, so choosing how we want to be in each moment is the best gift we can give ourselves.

I choose to be aware and present, to spend my time with the people I love, doing things I enjoy. I choose to remember that the more space I make for myself, the more I fill my own cup, the more I have to give others.

Each moment is a choice.

I hope you choose wisely and from your heart rather than out of fear.

Wishing you a beautiful week!

Love always,


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