Adrenaline-Fuelled Tailspin

Sent by Lauren Jane Heller    |    March 22, 2022

This morning I woke up at 4:25 am with my mind racing. I had a call with a marketing coach last night and it sent me into an adrenaline-fuelled tailspin. When discussing the new program I’m launching and the cadence, he said something along the lines of “When are you going to turn this into a real business and hire people?” I bristled. I took a breath. I explained the plans I have for growth and that I’m not interested in pulling myself back into the hustle and grind. I also explained that I do have a team of extraordinary women collaborating with me. It’s because of my work with them that I realized how important it is that I expand the work I do and actually grow this business. 

As I lay in the dark, I mulled over my vision for this year. I started to wonder about why I had told myself I don’t have enough time to do sales calls myself. I thought about how much I love connecting with awesome humans who are ready to make big changes in their lives. I thought about the joy and pride and openness I felt in my final calls with the participants from Shine, that I decided to become a leadership coach and I did. I decided to launch a life-changing coaching program and I did.

In the two years since I decided I was going to make this change, I’ve done the things that scare me, noticed when I’m letting my stories about life and the world get in my way, and chosen to get curious when something knocks me on my ass. And I’ve helped dozens — actually hundreds — of other people do it too. I'm truly helping people make change in their lives and the world. Holy shit!

I let my mind empty and let the feelings bubble up as they came. Ideas drifted in and I latched onto a few before coming back to my breath. 

There is still so much for me to learn. And how exciting is that?!

I’ve never grown a business, but here I am growing this community. 

Just five years ago, I was trying my best to get it all right. To impress others. To be the model employee. Now, I know I’m getting a lot wrong but I’m learning so much and let me tell you: it’s way more fun when you treat life like a science experiment. 

Last night’s anxiety turned into this morning’s revelation. I got clearer on what this new program is going to look like. I got clear on how I’m going to talk about it and with whom.

I promise, I’ll tell you more soon. 

In the meanwhile, I hope that if you find yourself in an adrenaline-fuelled tailspin, you will also find the space to breathe through the feelings, get curious about what there is to learn and just be with what’s happening. Who knows, maybe you’ll have a revelation too.  

Wishing you a beautiful week!



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